Lizzie Owen – Oil Painter & Illustrator

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‘Figs’ & ‘Pomegranate’

Creating unique abstract pieces of art, featuring distinctive dark oil hues of still life, portraits and landscapes. Capturing personal moments from a Modern British Life.


Inspiration has been honed from years of working within the fashion and lifestyle industries as a PR in London, and before then studying as a fashion designer – art has always been in my blood.

‘Chef’s Essentials’

​Each piece I paint is inspired by my impression of objects or experiences from my every day. They feature a loose impressionistic style, mainly inspired by beautiful, muted hues from aged still life objects or beautifully ripe fruit and vegetables.


Lifestyle, Nature and food are key to my work, ingrained passions since growing up on our farm in Staffordshire and walking the fields with my father, watching the seasons and the harvests is still very much featured into my work.

‘Bella French Bull’

Now living in the stunning Chilterns with my family and enjoying the Home Counties life from London Living, my subjects will always feature something that makes my heart sing, and I hope brings joy to others for years to come.

‘Vintage Spoons’


A painting hanging on a wall

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‘Red Russet’

For prices, images, commissions, information or loans, please contact Lizzie Owen

Email or

call 07966 760 582

insta @lizzieowenart

Some new works will be on sale soon at Home Barn in Little Marlow

‘Chef’s Essentials’ & ‘Spoons’

From The Blog

Get In Touch

Please feel free to contact us to discuss your framing needs.

Contact number
Tel:  01494 433 191

Bespoke Framing (workshop)
Unit 2 J
Penn Street Works
Penn Street

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