Category: Featured Artist

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Ali Mackie MA RCA

Ali Mackie MA RCA Ali Mackie

Drawing inspiration from the natural and built environment my work expresses a desire to explore the dynamics of form, shape and colour found within and around objects.  Finding a balanced composition in the almost tangible energy produced by objects in harmony and tension with one another particularly fascinates me.

Angela Fielder

Angela Fielder

Angela Fielder was good at art at school, winning several children’s competitions.  She studied the basics of Art & Technology at collage and after a very happy spell in dress design, started painting seriously. Angela went on to win the Pro Art in Switzerland and the Lange Prize for Landscape.  She has exhibited at the […]

Nicholas Herbert

Nicholas Herbert Nicholas Herbert

  Nicholas Herbert is a contemporary English landscape painter currently living and working in St Albans.  ‘Silent Spaces’ (2012+) is an ongoing series of works on paper inspired by the chalk uplands of the Chiltern Hills. 26 of these works featured in his solo show at Alan Kluckow Fine Art in April/May 2016 and ‘Landscape […]

Ollie Tuck

Ollie Tuck Ollie Tuck

Ollie Tuck – Featured Artist Having studied fine art at Chelsea School of Art I turned my back on painting whilst completing a degree in Art History at The University Of Nottingham. Inspired by the artist’s I studied during my degree, I returned to painting after graduating in 2014. I made the commitment to working […]

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