Art Exhibition – Susan Gray

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Susan Gray trained in Fine Art at the Buckinghamshire Chiltern University College.

Susan Gray

Art Exhibition by Susan Gray – My studio is situated behind the Sally Turner Antique’s in Wendover High Street where I regularly work and also open to the public.  Much of my inspiration is from frequently painting the coastline of South Devon and West Cornwall, particularly West Penwith, where I paint in situ whenever possible on large boards or canvas on the beaches in all weathers.  I look up the high tides and often borrow a fisherman’s hut to shelter from the constant changing weather conditions.  It’s exciting!

For more information, you check out Susan’s Featured Artist page on our website, just follow the link Susan Gray.

Susan Gray

 Opening Hours: –

Cheese and wine on Saturday  3rd November 11-4 and then open on Sunday 4th 12-4, Tuesday 6th 11-4, Thurday 8th 11-4, Friday 9th 11-4 and Saturday 10th 11-4.

Susan’s studio is situated behind the Sally Turner Antique shop in Wendover High Street, 1 Roberts Mews, HP22  6DL

For more information, check out Susan’s website

Artist Statement:-

Having painted part time for many years I became a full time artist in 2004. I run my own art workshops and demonstrate at art societies.

A large part of my inspiration is from frequently painting the coastline of South Devon and Cornwall. I also enjoy the drama of the Lakeland fells. My main medium is acrylic paint on canvas or board but I also enjoy the expressive qualities of oil paint. I work mainly from sketches and studies made on location. The weather conditions are constantly changing and I thrive on the challenge of having to work quickly.

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Tel:  01494 433 191

Bespoke Framing (workshop)
Unit 2 J
Penn Street Works
Penn Street

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